The Iron Will of Genie Lo, F C Yee – Book Review

Hello Humans! Who remembers when I reviewed The Epic Crush of Genie Lo back in July of 2017? Well, it's two and a bit years later and I'm here to review the sequel and end to the duology: The Iron Will of Genie Lo - will it live up to book one and does the wait make... Continue Reading →

The Epic Crush of Genie Lo, F.C. Yee

Because, as we all know, if you didn't fight demons as a teenager...were you really ever a teenager? Goodreads Summary: The struggle to get into a top-tier college consumes sixteen-year-old Genie Lo's every waking thought. But when her sleepy Bay Area town comes under siege from hell-spawn straight out of Chinese folklore, her priorities are... Continue Reading →

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