Out of This World Blogger Award

I was nominated for the Out of This World Blogger Award by the lovely Asha at A Cat A Book and A Cup of Tea! The award was created by the awesome Kaleena at Reader Voracious Blog. She created this award to recognize exceptional bloggers that are engaged in the community and publish excellent content.


  • Thank the blogger(s) that nominated you and link back to their post.
  • Answer the questions.
  • Don’t forget to grab your badge!
  • Nominate 3-5 bloggers for the award. AAAH I SUCK AT THIS IT”S SUCH AN ANXIETY INDUCER…
  • You may use the header image from this post if desired.
  • Please be sure to link back to the original post and credit the creator: Reader Voracious Blog

The Questions:

  1. What (or who) inspires you and why?

I’m massively inspired by music, I blame my father, but I also love poetry, watching people dance, animation and basically any other medium for storytelling!

  1. What is your favorite thing about blogging?

I love the opportunities I have had to read and review books I might never have come across otherwise, I love finding out other bloggers have loved something I enjoyed (or it’s always interesting to find out they feel a different way!).

  1. If you could be any character in fiction, who would you be and why?

This is such a hard question to answer! I think I’d have to choose Arya from the Inheritance cycle because I would kill to be graceful and elfen.

  1. If you had six months with no obligations or financial constraints, what would you do with the time?

I would absolutely travel, I’d head off to Italy and write that book I keep putting off, I would spend time with my family and I would also try to actually defeat my TBR.

  1. What is one piece of advice that you would give a new blogger?

You do you. And don’t worry if people aren’t on board with that at first. I really struggled in the beginning because I felt like I had to have the same voice as a lot of the other book blogs I read, and I’m just not that sweet of a person, but as soon as I embraced my own way of writing I had a lot more fun!

  1. Optional: Freebie question – share something with us!

I am in the process of starting a bookish podcast, I just need to save some money to buy the equipment and I am so excited and nervous!

I just can’t tag people in these things as I get worried they’ll feel obligated to do them, and I know some people really don’t like them…if you like being tagged in things let me know in the comments below!


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