My Top 10 All time Favourite Book Covers (So Far)

This weeks TTT theme was ‘Cover Theme Freebie’ so I’m taking this opportunity to share with you the 10 best, most beautiful and tempting covers I have encountered in my life so far!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the beyond amazing The Broke and Bookish. If you don’t already you should head over there and check out the list of all the amazing book bloggers who take part, it’s a great way to find other bloggers who might read the same stuff as you!

10) Ink

This is one of those happy moments where the cover draws you in and then the book itself is also amazing. You can check out my review here. What’s great about this cover is that A) it’s shiny and B) after you’ve read the book the images in the cover have even more meaning!

ink cover
But it’s Shiny!

9) Strange the Dreamer

Another book I’ve reviewed fairly recently. I think there’s a general consensus that the Uk cover is absolutely beautiful. Couple that with the fun addition of blue pages and you’ve got me hooked.


8) The Inheritance Cycle

So sue me. I couldn’t pick just one. I want the pictures from the dust jackets of these books framed on my wall ASAP. I’m a sucker for dragon illustrations as you may know. I just have to convince the fiancé that having an entirely dragon themed house is entirely acceptable.

Perfect for the bedroom…right babe?

7) The Watchmaker of Filigree Street

What I loved most about this cover was the cool cut out element, which is hard to show in a flat image. It just gave a whole new dimension to the book cover and really makes it something I want to display on my shelf.

Curse you computers for being two dimensional.

6) The Hobbit

I love this cover image so much i actually have a skirt in this print which always gets a lot of compliments.


5) Caraval

We’ve all seen it, we’ve all talked about it, I’ve reviewed it, but Caraval is a book worth talking about and the cover is just so darned beautiful.


4) City of Woven Streets

There’s something about the colour pallette of this book that speaks to me on a deep level. If the cover piques your interest you can check out my review from way back at the start of my blogging.


3) Illuminae

To contrast that blue, and something a little different, I love the covers for Illuminae and the sequel Gemina. The recent reveal of the third cover and title (black) bodes for a beautiful trilogy.

This cover is as unique as the book is!

2) Cinder

Marissa Meyer’s covers are always beautiful but there’s something about Cinder that makes me simultaneously fascinated and excited. I think it perfectly summs up the tone of the book.

Just a hint of cyborg…

1) The Bear and the Nightingale

Another recent review, what can I say, I’ve read a lot of books with gorgeous covers recently! This cover is so dissimilar to most of the other books on my shelf and it brings my heart joy!



Hurray! You made it to the end of this week’s Top Ten Tuesday. Is there anything obvious missing from my list? Let me know on twitter (@judithcmoore) or via the comments, and don’t forget to link me to your own Top Ten Tuesday post!


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