10 Bookish Resolutions/Goals for 2018 – TTT

Morning mortals! This weeks TTT theme is the first to be hosted on That Artsy Reader Girl which is very exciting!! What a momentous occasion!? I actually already wrote a very silly blog post on ideas for new year’s resolutions last Sunday which you can read if you feel so inclined. Today, however, I’m talking about my actual Bookish resolutions/goals for the year.


  1. Read 250 Books

Last year I managed to read just over 200 books and I am determined to smash that goal this year. It may be a challenge with everything else going on but I really believe I can do it!

2.Read Diverse Books

This is always a goal for me, I try to consciously read books from a variety of different authors with a variety of different characters. I’d like to be even better at this in 2018 with more active decisions to read diverse books by diverse authors. Recommendations always welcome.

3.Read Debut Authors

I felt a bit like I was playing catch up in 2017, being so new to the blogging game, so I read a lot of ‘mainstream’ authors, not that there’s anything wrong with that, they are popular for a reason. This year I want to read even more books from debut authors, since that can be the start of an amazing journey.

4.Post content regularly

I already post six days a week, it’s an intense schedule I know. But I’d like to feel like the content I post is fun, is varied and is actually useful to readers etc. I’m going to keep posting this much, it’s the only way to get the reviews out on time, but I am going to try to keep posting fun things on Sundays as much as I am able.

5.Get better at planning ahead

With that in mind, I’d like to get better at forward thinking, at leaving gaps in my reading schedule for sudden ARCs, at reviewing arcs before they are published and so on and so forth. My bullet journal is set up for the year which should hopefully help…we shall see!

6.Read what’s on my bookshelf

It’s a struggle most bookworms know – actually reading those shiny new books on your shelf! I have devised a system, one ebook then one physical book, which I hope will make the physical TBR go down somewhat!

7.Meet more Bookbloggers

I want to meet the people who love the things I love, not necessarily in person – though I know there are some Oxford based bloggers around, but I’d like to feel like I know them a bit better!

8.Enjoy YALC this year

Last year I was stressed and anxious and by myself the whole time. I definitely want to go again and just take the pressure off myself!

9.Share my blog with friends and family

I’m bad at this, I’m worried they’ll laugh at me. This year I’m going to work out how to do it beyond just occasionally shouting “I HAVE A BLOG” when I see them.

10.Have fun

I love reading. I can have fun reading and blogging this year. For me, as clichΓ©d as it is, it really isn’t about the numbers, I just want to share the books I love!

What say you? Are these goals achievable? Let me know what your goals are in 2018 in the comments below!


12 thoughts on “10 Bookish Resolutions/Goals for 2018 – TTT

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  1. Great list! Reading what’s on my bookshelf is a big one for me too this year. ebooks are much easy for me to read on the train but I love getting the pretty covers so I end up with a horrible backlog of physical books. Best of luck with these!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ha ha – I really agree with having fun. In the last few years both reading and blogging became such a numbers game for me that it took the joy and fun away from it. One of the reasons this year I didn’t set myself a goodreads goal – I’m just reading for the fun of reading πŸ™‚ Although like you I also want to try and read more books that are ALREADY on my bookshelf! More space would be nice lol. Best of luck with your goals!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Very true! I guess I’m lucky in the fact that I have a friend who is willing and able to go with me. I know that quite a few bloggers do meetups at YALC for people who are going solo, so that might be an idea?

        Liked by 1 person

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