10 Series I’ve been meaning to start (Top Ten Tuesday!)

Morning friends (or please insert whatever time of day it is when you read this). Yes we’re back with another edition of Top Ten Tuesday. This week I’m looking at those series I keep thinking I ought to start but just haven’t managed to get round to yet!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the beyond amazing The Broke and Bookish. If you don’t already you should head over there and check out the list of all the amazing book bloggers who take part, it’s a great way to find other bloggers who might read the same books as you!

If you’ve been following me for a while you know I have a bad habit of starting a series mid way through so it’s actually quite hard to come up with ten examples that I haven’t even read one of the books in the series. But I got there in the end, without further ado-ten series I have yet to start!

1) Graceling


These books have been on every listopia list I’ve ever looked at and I still haven’t had time to start the series! Maybe in the next year I’ll get round to it!

2) The Micah Grey Series


I keep very nearly buying these books whenever I’m in my local bookshop but the sorry state of my bank account always stays my hand. I love the covers and the circus theme always floats my boat! May have to press on my local library to buy copies so I can read them…

3) Monsters of Verity


With the release of Our Dark Duet last week I realised how much I want to read this series! Who doesn’t love a dark urban fantasy?

4) Shadow and Bone


Having just finished Six of Crows I’m intrigued to see what else Leigh Bardugo has written and this series just seems to keep cropping up wherever I go. I may have to succumb soon!

5) Shades of Magic


Another one for which I can blame the bookblogger community. I see these books everywhere now and they call to me from the shelves! I need to get my hands on these asap.

6) The Raven Cycle


Another book series that I feel like I’ve been eyeing up for years! I love the covers and they are so tempting but I just never have the time to get into a series that I know is going to take me a while!

7) Artemis Fowl


I have a vague memory of my brother loving these books when we were younger but since I made a valiant effort as a child to not like any  of the things my brother enjoyed I never really got round to these. I have a feeling I would quite like them so I’m going to try and find second hand copies and maybe read them on the side quite slowly.

8) His Dark Materials


I have friends who swear this series changed their lives, but for some reason I’ve just not got round to reading them. Luckily, copies of these books seem to be floating around everywhere so as soon as my book buying ban is over I should be able to start!

9) The Kingkiller Chronicle


Another friend’s recommendation that I just haven’t seemed to get to. But thanks to a giveaway from the lovely people at Fairyloot I have my own copy of The Name of the Wind and I can start it soon!

10) The Wrath and the Dawn


Having recently read Flame in the Mist  and having chatted to Renée Ahdieh in a Fairychat on twitter I realised I really want to read more of her books and I remembered it was her who wrote The Wrath and the Dawn. Hopefully these are in my local library!

Phewf. My TBR list is looking a little more full now (how could it get any bigger) but this was actually a really fun exercise! Even if you’re not doing TTT I recommend thinking about this because, if you’re anything like me, you can get a bit lost in new releases and it’s really nice to think about those books that have been on your mind for a long while!

Let me know what you think and link me to your TTT in the comments below. Don’t forget to hit that follow button if you want to be kept abreast of what’s happening here on Chain Interaction.

I’ll see you tomorrow for Want to Read Wednesday!






42 thoughts on “10 Series I’ve been meaning to start (Top Ten Tuesday!)

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  1. I’ve only read one V.E. Schwab book, so I’m feeling ya when it comes to ADSOM and Monsters of Verity. I also can’t believe I haven’t read the Graceling series yet: I’m borrowing the first book from the library at the moment, so fingers crossed I’ll get the motivation soon!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This Savage Song and The Name of the Wind ought to be in my list, too! I loved His Dark Materials and Raven Cycle. I’ve read the first books of ADSOM and Wrath & the Dawn and they’re both in my list of series I need to catch up with. I recently started on the Grisha trilogy and am enjoying it! Happy reading 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. There are so many awesome series on this list!! I love Graceling, the Raven Cycle, the Golden Compass, and Artemis Fowl and I really want to read Six of Crows and This Savage Song. Fingers crossed we can all get around to reading them soon! 🙂


  4. Some of my favorite books are on your list! I also read The Grisha books after Six of Crows and enjoyed them even more for it. Even though they are tonally different, Bardugo is so good at creating memorable characters that it’s totally worth it.


  5. I’ve had Graceling on my list forever, I read that the other two books are more like companion novels than sequels, and nowhere near as good, so you can just read Graceling and leave it at that 🙂 I also need to read every V.E. Schwab book, I haven’t read anything of hers yet but I see people raving about her all the time, plus she’s adorable on social media. I love Artemis Fowl! It’s so rare to find someone else who even knows of it 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I haven’t read #7 or #9 but the others are so good! You have some real gems on your list and I hope you get to enjoy then soon. My two favorites from your list are Shadow and Bone, and The Raven Boys

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I love your list of books mainly because I have at least read book 1 to all of them 🙂 I especially love Shade of Magic and The Savage Song and can’t wait to read book 2. I hope you will enjoy them when you read them! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. The Shades of Magic books are so good! I practically devoured the Artemis Fowl books when I was younger, it’s a really addictive series. The Grisha books were on my list this week too. I wasn’t keen on Graceling, but you might like it better. I really loved The Raven Cycle. I read the first Monsters of Verity and liked it, but haven’t read the new one yet. I keep seeing those circus books and almost buying them but for some reason I don’t! You have such great taste in books 🙂
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2017/06/20/top-ten-tuesday-112/

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