My favourites, July 2017

Beep boop. Hello mortals. Can you believe July is over? I certainly can’t. Two months until I get married…aaah! So in order to relax a little I’m sitting down and I’m writing down all the things I’ve loved this month, bookish and otherwise. Soothe yourself with the happy things I have discovered this month!

Twitter Chats

I’ve taken part in a few #fairychat’s before, the monthly chat hosted by Fairyloot. They’re great fun, in part because you get to chat with the author of the book you’ve just read and gush about how much you love YA fantasy with other nerds.

I also participated in the #YALCParty chat this month, which happened just before YALC started (blog post upcoming). This was my favourite chat of all because as a YALC newby I had no idea what I was doing and it was (mostly) reassuring to hear people’s tips and tricks for having a good time.

I hope to take part in more twitter chats in august so look out for me if you’re out there in the interwebs.

Follow me on twitter for exciting and not at all inane tweets about books.

Imagine Dragons: Evolve


This is basically the only album I’ve listened to this month and it still hasn’t got old for me yet. I’ve had it on in the background while I read and it is that ideal tone for not being distracting but filling the creepy silence that sets off my overactive imagination.

My favourite track: The Mouth of the River


If you’re a makeup lover and you haven’t heard of Sugarpill then let me enlighten you. If you want bright, unique cruelty free makeup then you’ll love them. I have one of their pro palettes and I use it almost everyday in conjunction with a couple of the urban decay palettes I own. It’s so pretty to look at I might frame it.

UK humans who don’t want to pay shipping from the US you can get Sugarpill from Beauty Bay and from Cocktail Cosmetics. My tip for you!

Brazil Nuts

Weird one but I wanted to include food. With the Wedding coming up I’m not trying to lose weight because I didn’t want to submit to the idea that Brides have to be stick thin and that you have to lose those pounds as part of the wedding prep. However, I do want to fit in my dress so I’m trying not to gain weight. To do that I’ve given up crisps and Brazil nuts are proving to be a good substitute. Rather than having a packet of crisps I just nibble on a Brazil nut. More filling and even if they still have fat they feel less processed.

Paper Flowers

I’m making paper flowers for the wedding and they are making me so happy I shall be sad to give them up! Just getting my hands into something crafty again after a long time is bringing me joy.

So there you have it, five things that have been making me happy this month. I’m hoping for even more exciting things in August what with the house move, my hen do and more!

See you all soon!



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